knit picks interchangeable short circular needles pieces
knitting,  review

Knit Picks Interchangeable Short Circular Needles – Product Review

Today, I want to write a product review for Knit Picks interchangeable short circular needles! Though I call myself a crocheter, I also enjoy knitting time to time. I hope this review helps you in making a purchase decision for this product if you’re considering of getting one!

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What’s included in the set?

The needle set comes with 7 sizes: US 10/ 6.0mm, US 9/ 5.5mm, US 8/ 5.0mm, US 7/ 4.5mm, US 6/ 4.0mm, US 5/ 3.75mm, and US 4/ 3.5mm. They are all 2-3/8” (6cm) long, made out of nickel. It comes with 2 plastic cords, both 11” (28cm) long (length including the screw part). So when needles and cord are screwed together, it’ll be 15.75” (40cm) long to be exact.

knit picks interchangeable short circular needles pieces

Besides the needles, they also come with 4 pieces of cord stoppers and 1 piece of cord connectors. Though it’s slightly a hassle to screw on and off with your needles, I prefer this type rather than the cap. Maybe it depends on the material of the needles, but I lost one of my rubber caps after putting it on my wooden needles. Either I didn’t cap it tightly enough or it slipped off…and now I can’t find it!

What if you lose some pieces?

Don’t you worry! You can buy all the pieces if you lose them! For the cord stoppers, you can only get them if you buy the cords. They are available in green, black, and purple. There’s also darker green (made out with nylon coated steel) and this one is the same one that’s included in the set. You can choose from variety of lengths, and they’re really reasonable price!

Short interchangeable circular needles vs DPNs

My main reason to purchase Knit Picks interchangeable short circular needles is the needle length. I already have a set of interchangeable needles (Takumi interchangeable needle set), but these needles are much longer than the Knit Picks’ needles . As I mentioned, Knit Pick’s needles are less than 3″. If you knit English style, I think 3″ long needle works perfectly. However, if you knit continental style like me, even this short needle set might feel long to work with.

knit picks interchangeable short circular needles length

Unless it says the set is “short” in the name of the product, most of the needle set I found had a needle length more than 4″. When you’re working on the sleeves, these short interchangeable needles come in very handy. I have double pointed needles (DPNs), and these are about 7” (about 18cm) long. I used DPNs when I worked on the sleeves for my raglan sweater, and I was pretty annoyed how long these DPNs were! Of course it worked perfectly fine, but I just wanted to break them in half. I think this was when I decided to get shorter needles.

Overall result

knit picks interchangeable short circular needles

I’m happy with my purchase! I made few knitwears using short needles, and it was really helpful. The only down side about this product for me was the construction of the vinyl case that came with. Both sides of the case are wide open, and the vinyl that’s separating each needles is not long enough. Due to that, one of my US 10/ 6.0mm needles came out from the case so often! One time I thought I lost one of my US 10/ 6.0mm needle, but luckily I found it in my bag. US 4/ 3.5mm didn’t come out probably because they’re skinnier than US 10/ 6.0mm needles. Now I put my needles in a small pouch with zipper so I won’t lose any pieces.

If you make many knit projects, from using thick yarn to thin yarn, I think it’s really good idea to invest in a needle set. You never know when it’ll come in handy for having many different needle sizes.

Thank you for reading and happy knitting!

Knit Picks Interchangeable Short Circular Needle Set Product Review

This review is my honest opinions from Tae of Tying An End. Please do not use my photos and contents as your own. Please see Disclosure & Terms of Use for more info.

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