Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had wonderful holidays!
It’s been about half a year since I started this blog (total about 1 year if I include my past blog on other site). My updates are not that frequent compare to many other bloggers, but I hope I can continue to blog about what I love to do in 2017!
So what did everyone do over Christmas and New Year holidays? For me, I didn’t do much of crocheting, but lots of family time and catch up with my friends. On New Year’s, I went to King Spa with my family. I haven’t been there in a while so it was really nice! Very relaxing in saunas and this new room called “Oxygen Room”. When I went in to saunas, I was slowly sweating and it felt like my body was detoxing. It felt really refreshing! I hope I can go back again soon. Other than that, I had nice meals (sushi!) and potluck.
Now that holiday season is over, time to switch my gear to work work work! I’m planning to start my first C2C blanket for my childhood friend in Japan! I’m actually going to Japan in March, so I have to finish making it within 2 months! So my goal for this month is to finish at least half way with the blanket! I have so many things I want to make but so little time… It’ll be good practice for time management I guess.
Thank you for reading and 今年もよろしくおねがいします!(“Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu” Thank you for all your support for this year in advance.)

Happy 2nd Birthday ♡
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