Faux Double Crochet vs CH 3 Double crochet
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! I had nice relaxing Christmas with my family and friends.
As 2016 is coming close to an end, I want to finish off with one simple project.
My friend asked me if I can make her twisted headband because she heard I made a super scarf to our mutual friend. So as I was searching for twisted headband pattern, I couldn’t really find the one that I wanted to use. I gave up on looking for headband pattern, but instead I started searching for stitch pattern that would look nice for headband. Then I came across to this one image on Google and I visited original source.
It was a pattern using DC (double crochet) and FPDC (front post double) so at first I was just skimming through that page. However, I decided to read it through more carefully and I realized that an author was using this stitch called “faux double crochet” instead of typical CH 3 as 1 DC in 1st stitch of each row!!
I never heard of this stitch before so I Googled how to do it, and it was very simple stitch. To simply put, it’s twisting once and yarn through both loops, just like regular DC.
I love this new stitch I found! I wish I knew this way earlier!! Each end of the row does not look saggy anymore when you use this stitch. I love how tight it gets!
Can you tell the difference from image above? That’s how different it is! (I didn’t stretch it out or anything!) For me, if I do CH 3 as DC, space between CH 3 and next DC is going to be really big, just like the photo above, so I usually do CH 2. However, I never really liked how it looked. I’m never going back to typical CH 3 anymore!
This was jaw-dropping for me so I want to share how-to. It takes couple practices but it’s simple. Here are step-by-steps!

Happy New Year!

Heart Pompom
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